still cheaper than therapy*

i keep thinking this might come in handy someday when my Mom Finds My Blog. and then i think, Why bother? what do i need to change about this particular situation? absolutely nothing. i'm not worried. if my Mom comes Here, what will she learn? our dishwasher is temporarily broken. i get weird spam sometimes. i, ah, make fun of people. many things that are either of absolutely no import or that she could probably guess at if she felt like it.

there are things she might not want to know, with several examples conveniently listed here: all she's going to get by reading this is more things to worry about and be neurotic over. which nobody wants. i haven't told her about it for her own good. only i can't explain that to her, even though i'm sure she'd want to know about it, given a choice, because in order to explain it to her i'd have to tell her about it.

But then, i'm sneaky. Runs in the family, you know.


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