still cheaper than therapy*

I press my opportunity while noone is in my office: i will take this fried chicken with my fingers. The Austrians will not see me. How on earth they use forks and knives for the darndest things, i think i am too old to learn, but i keep chopsticks at my desk.

Munchkin comes home from kindergarten and requests, specifically, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a plate. On a plate, mommy, i need a plate! I consider renting a movie, i consider putting that wine in the fridge, just for me, just for later, just for the persistent memory of Thursdays. I consider making cookies for a dozen different reasons.

For dinner she says she wants sausages and noodles and cheese, and somehow i figure i can manage. Maybe she'll be awake long enough, maybe she'll eat what she claims. May as well.


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