still cheaper than therapy*

colors? shapes? what?
Am trying to decide: there is an archway in E's room, where the crib is, and i'm painting the whole room because it is - well, was - this awful dirty looking yellow, so i'm painting it, um, NaturWeide, which i think means something on the order of "hayfield," very zen though it's a different color with the flourescent lights than i was really going for, oddly greenish, anwyay, this archway with the crib, it wants something else. I was going to put fabric on it - that spray-on-starch method - but i think the wall is too textured, because, well, i tried it, and it came off. But i am looking at the fabrics they have at ikea for ideas (1 2), and at the things that come up when i google murals, and ... i don't know what. Blah. Still also need to figure out what will happen with the low low low ceiling and ugly lights. Something involving more paint will happen with that, too, i think. Um. It's a very small space.


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