still cheaper than therapy*

thirty-one weeks
In which you scooch forwards, pushing off inspiredly with the tips of your toes. In which a busload of Japanese tourists has also proclaimed you the cutest thing ever.

You've started doing this very annoying, very cute thing in the middle of the night, around three or four in the morning: you decide that you have slept Enough and you are Ready To Play, Now. And you won't nurse back down (or if you do, you wake up after five minutes) and you won't lie still in your crib without crying, you want to play. And nothing will dissuade you. But Momma and Daddy want to sleep at three or four in the morning. So: momma calls for suggestions. So far we have attempted nursing you down (which doesn't work) and bringing you in our bed in a sleepy, half-reasoned attempt to model sleeping, which works after what seems like a very long time.


oh, great: there's a thread over on the mothering - dot - commune about this - and, hell, it's all over the internet, now that i look. so maybe you're going through a "developmental spurt" and "mastering new abilities" and "it's a phase." Will try sleeping on chair in yr room. Am v. tired. Time to toss some Jiffy Pop into Mount Doom and watch the fireworks.

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