still cheaper than therapy*

dear No Impact Man,
you are inspiring: and it is possible, indeed, to do laundry with no electric dryer with two adults and one baby in cloth diapers and a dog in a five hundred square foot apartment, and we're not having too bad a time of it. We got kinda creative with a corner (the previous inhabitant had a bookshelf there). However we have a front-loader washing machine, so our stuff happily comes out of the washer pretty dry. also, dear No Impact Man, i think you are contagious, but that's cool with me. Somebody had to talk M into cloth diapers for me, and also into eating less of the scary meat in this country (because i will not cook a chicken that has a still-attached neck), and also it's Local Austrian Asparagus Weeks at the moment and that kicks ass, and he's also learned, shockingly, to live without an air conditioner, so thanks, No Impact Man.

PS. Apparently my trackback is busted. Oh well.


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