still cheaper than therapy*

why is it that all proper outerwear is a fucking allergen? Wool puts me in the emergency room, now, historically, thanks. And of course down gives M headaches. so theoretically i could get a down coat for me - to go with his itchy scratchy wool one - and we'd lick the platter clean, or something. The sweater that put me in the ER was cashmere. really really. i have a pair of angora socks that are lovely, but angora comes from bunny rabbits, not stupid big ruminants. and every time someone reccomends things, let alone makes things, for baby, it's wool. Itchy blankets. Itchy hats. Itchy mittens. Itchy gifts and itchy heirlooms. And to go with all the itchy awfulness, they reccomend you avoid pasta and peanut butter? and eggs? and cut out all dairy products? Bitch, please.

off to eat something with walnuts and possibly shellfish.

On the other hand, if i could eat. like. this....

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