still cheaper than therapy*
i have been avoiding the Expat Grocery Store. i do this knowingly. i have been doing my level best to be here, and be in another country, and live like i am in another country, and avoiding Starbucks (okay, except when the english-speaking mums group is in one, and even then i had a marillengespritzt, which tell me if you can find that in an american starbucks) and McDonalds (which i have been to Burger King once and i'm PREGNANT and sometimes i am HUNGRY but in eight months going to Burger King once is not a big deal and even then it was sort of a loss because it didn't have a bathroom but i was hoping it would and so had chosen it instead of the wurstel stand for pretty much that reason alone) and i try to fit in better than people who put ketchup on schnitzel, for instance.And the Expat Grocery Store is mostly British stuff, i think. so it may or may not even be helpful. and they don't list oreos on their online-shopping thing, though we've gotten enough presents of oreos that i don't ever want to see them again, and they also list non-specific Quaker Oats but they don't list Strawberries and Cream or Peaches and Cream, which are the only good kinds, and if they don't have them then it isn't worth much getting the plain stuff. (oddly, they do list certain brands of tartar sauce, which why on earth would you get that crap instead of the yummy fresh-made stuff? Please note that i answer my own question below.)
But they list Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. and i'm on the third or fourth austrian variety of mac and cheese, here, now, and it's just not working, and M suggests that they can't even have it here because they can't label it as "cheese" and he might easily be right. i don't want to go in the Expat Grocery Store. it'd be like admitting defeat. and while, yes, i know, i really am an american and there's nothing i can do about it, it's still like defeat.
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