still cheaper than therapy*

getting closer.
Things we have already organized:
Baby backpack, Camera, Classical or lullaby music, Food source, Car Seat & Car Seat Head Support (????? right?), Diaper bag, Diapers, Crib, mattress, bedding, many clothes and hats and socks, Desitin (but, umm), Baby powder, Mattress pads for us and baby, Other clothes hamper, Comfy chair and stool, Washcloths and hoodie towels and baby soap and shampoo, breastpads and lansinoh, Night light, sheets, recieving blankets, crib-mobile, Large colorful storage boxes, Books, Dr Browns bottles, baby dishes and spoons and stuff, Well behaved dogs, Some toys, Frozen things for teething on, Tiny bathtub (again, ???), Super double secret current front-runner name

Things we should really work on prior to arrival:
Stroller, Sling for when Ergo is in the wash, baby home health care incl. thermometer & teeny tiny nail scissors & first aid kit & baby medicine, Diaper collection item (pref. cloth), Baby wipes, Moses basket, Dresser with convertible changing-table top, More efficient storage system preferably with a place to hang things, Do babies need winter coats?, Medela breast pump, dishwasher rack, rechargable batteries for camera, baby monitor, safety gate(s), cabinet locks, pack-n-play, teeny tiny baby mittens, Crib mirror, Address of several-months-younger baby to facilitate rapid offloading of newborn/off-season stuff

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