still cheaper than therapy*

a sense of place
from M:

If you want a quick google maps tour of the neighborhood, go to and type "kleistgasse wien austria." switch to hybrid or satellite and zoom in as far as you can - the arrows in the wrong spot, but whatever.

Drag S, and youll see our park. The blue thing is a swimming pool for kids, S of that is the railrod tracks, and if you follow them to where they disappear to the SW, youll see a rectangular concrete place. The city has two concrete ping-pong tables here:) S of that (SSW) is a largish building, its a nice little restaurant/cafe...we take the dogs there every once in a while and sit and watch people and munch on pretty good food. If you follow the path from the restaurant WSW youll come to a big street (actually a big bus/train station). On the S side of the path, just adjacent to the street are two of the fenced in dog zones where we take the dogs (you can barely see the line that divides it in half).

Follow the big rd N until you run into another big street (more park on the right side, its really nice). Cross the big street and on the right side is palace Belvedere, which is pretty magnificent (there are pictures of it on liz's blog linked somewhere).

At the N end of Belvedere is the street Rennweg. Some Austrian once remarked that "The Balkans begin at Rennweg". If you follow it NW you get lost in the inner city. Follow SE until you get to a large intersection. Rennweg continues sort of on the N side (this intersection is Fasangasse, and if you followed the cross street S, youd get to our favorite italian place). Our favorite grocery store is just a little ways further down Rennweg, S side, a big grey bldg just past a wide side street. If you now head directly S, youre back at our apt.

Now, follow the Rd in front of our park to the E (this rd is the gurtel, it circles around the whole inner city and is fairly famous as being the "red light" street, though theres only 1 brothel I can think of where we usually walk). Follow the Rd as it curves to the S and then head NE on the cross st. The big green area is not a park, but a place that will be developed, but they apparently will begin development next year (which theyve said every year for like 10 now i guess). Follow this Rd until you get to the X intersection. If you go straight W from the center of this intersection, youll see a parking lot. The shiny bldg just to the SE is Intercell, where liz works. The bldg opposite the parking lot is the unviersity, and the GMI is like the second bldg NE of the university. The walk to and from work is just over 15 minutes.

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