still cheaper than therapy*
is the number of larger-than-life completely naked people on billboards that i pass daily, one way, on my seventeen-minute walk to work. This is an actual number, not an exaggeration. I counted. And i walk slow: so seventeen minutes of walk is not very far. Most of them are in ads for either depilatory creams or "The Art of Seduction, from Warhol to Schiele," the upcoming installation at the Church of the Minorities - which i'm assuming no longer offers traditional services, but i'd have to check to be sure. One of them is a waist-up ad for a musical. This is not counting the following: cartoons, smaller than life-size ads for porn cinemas, Nelly Furtado's nipples, ads for Nabokov: The Opera, models on beds wearing very little other than shoes, people with ice cream bikinis, Softcore Porn Fest Vienna, giant blown-up derrieres (there's one ad campaign that is just a GIANT ASS, with a hand grabbing it, blown up so big you could actually count the hairs, and while i really which they'd airbrush that shit, we haven't quite figured out what it's for yet), people advertising clothing in various states of undress (which, okay, is just like Abercrombie and Fitch, but still!), naked dancers at ArtForArt (since the ads for naked dancers i've seen on the walk home, but they were on the side of a truck and are therefore not on a daily basis), and i'm sure i'm forgetting some. it takes some getting used to. And i think it still catches my attention more than the natives', who are preacclimatized. The dancers were my favorite. The GIANT ASS is my least favorite: i think it's because of the hairs.
(This, from someone who has used (1) moving to fuzzy, fuzzy Europe and (2) "eventually it'll get hard to reach, now, right?" as "excuses" for not shaving my legs. we're going canoeing next week: we'll see how it goes with that, eh?)
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