still cheaper than therapy*

from another country
So this is when i get to be all weird and say nasty superior things about americans and generalize like mad, only i did that when i lived there, too, thanks.

Expat Generalization no. 1:
SHUT UP! Shut up, you Americans! You always talk, you Americans. You talk, and you talk, and say "let me tell you something" and "I just wanna say this". Well, you're dead now, so shut up! [With a bony finger, the Grim Reaper pokes Geoffrey in the eye.]
Cheers. Terry Gilliam was the american, i believe. so. i talk. that's what the whole "blogging" thing is. personal being political, and voting with one's feet and/or pocketbook, and so on and so forth. there's the quote they had, that whatever you're looking for, you will find, but isn't that really applicable anywhere? anyway. so. let's see what i'm looking for, then.

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