still cheaper than therapy*

To the girl in the checkout line at the grocery store last night,

Honey, you're buying toilet paper and Tampax. you really want to wear sweatpants so low we can all see the exact placement of your pelvic bones? or did you just want us all to think your BMI is high enough that you're still menstruating? When your elbows are thicker than your arms, and i can know this, because you're barely wearing anything that could be called a top? Riiiiight. Plus, what kind of people do you pick up at the grocery store anyway? Ew. Skeeve.

Nice tan, though. Can't help but notice. Don't get cancer, eh?

Dear Grocery Store,

When you put up a sign saying No shoes, No shirt, No service, could you please include And cover your skinny damn pubis on the end?


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