still cheaper than therapy*

The people that are really hardcore, the people that i would say are hardcore, who don't go out to dinner nearly every tuesday these days for margaritas or, tonight, sushi, the people who live on Red Bull and cheetos and order pizza every night, the people who never, ever go outside or to movies, the ones who would never consider going to work on a saturday or going to visit friends in Austin or going anywhere or doing anything, and who certainly don't play with their dogs, no, those people would not call me a gamer. those people would certainly not call me a hardcore gamer. no. and they would be right.

but i have three level 60's now. the druid is in nearly solid purple and the lock is almost half already, and the rogue was well equipped in her day, too. and i had no leveling services. i know i'm at well over 30 days of playtime on at least two of them. solid. so the people who don't play, they see this and think i'm some kind of crazy person. where the only difference between me and them is that one of us watches television, in which one is not an active part of one's entertainment and which is not in any sense a social activity, and one of us, um, has to kind of push buttons and stuff and talks to people on the computer (and, yes, we have microphones, so it is vocal talking, but i still type way fast).


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