still cheaper than therapy*

things i liked about V
in no particular order:

  1. wachowski
  2. moral dilemmas
  3. and ideas that are gray instead of black and white
  4. philosophical rants
  5. that rhyme
  6. and alliterate
  7. and relevant political allegory
  8. natalie portman
  9. going all butch
  10. other wachowski
  11. civil disobedience
  12. that nice cop person - well done, nice cop person
  13. The 1812 Overture
  14. noncivil disobedience
  15. via kung fu
  16. and general spectacular pyromania
  17. not to mention swashbuckling
  18. hugo weaving
  19. subterranean batcaves
  20. with art
  21. and jukeboxes
  22. and dancing
  23. because A Revolution Without Dancing is Not Worth Having
  24. sedition against The Man
  25. bullet time
  26. with more kung fu
  27. noir dystopias in general
  28. with sharpie comic-book cinematography in particular
  29. that is apparently fairly true to the original
  30. plus lefty socialist politicks
  31. and the rise of the collective proletariat
  32. and bits you have to pay attention to to get
  33. leading to suspected rewatchability
  34. The Chase Scene (the one with the gorilla)
  35. i could go on, here.

or, to sum up: Gunpowder, treason, and plot.

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