still cheaper than therapy*

There is a new song that, at times, plays on the radio, when the radio is not playing the local uber-left station, but when instead it's on the station that calls itself "alternative" but which really most of the time is, well, basically a failure to communicate. the new song is by the Living Things and i feel bad for liking it really more than i might feel bad for liking whatever other random junk they play. because it is (on top of being a fucked-up video, now that i've downloaded the video, but maybe that's just what videos are like now that i don't watch fucking television) not only catchy, stuck-in-your-head pop bullshit, which would be bad enough on its own, but it's so freaking meta. Ostensibly this is a left-side band, and they say they criticise the powers that be and the consumerism and the way that things are; but on first (and second, and third, and fourth) listen, this is a pro-war song. right? you have to pay close attention for it to not be a pro-war song. and i think to a pro-war person, of which there are a great many in this particular part of the world that i continue to inexplicably inhabit, it would sound even more like a pro-war song and might not make them uncomfortable in the slightest. and really it could go either way.

and god, they're so brainy and sexy, but if you're not really paying attention, because honestly who is, then it glorifies everything we're doing in iraq and makes it all cool instead of being awful, which is NOT A GOOD THING, even more so than - just as a random example - the anti-woman bullshit they play at the stupid clubs in this part of the world.

also, shockingly, the Harry Shearer that does "le Show" is the same Harry Shearer that did "The Simpsons" and "This is Spinal Tap" and the websites all say it is, in fact, satirical, though he seems funnier to me when he has a script. Maybe it's not that sort of satire. maybe it's just me.

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