still cheaper than therapy*

they keep having blood drives at work. and i went to see if i was eligible to donate - it's supposed to be six months after getting the tattoo i think but i wanted to make sure - and as it turns out, first, apparently, it's 12 months, because autoclaves and sterile certificationing are voluntary in Texas (even though every motherfucking tattoo shop has it and i would find it hard to imagine that anyone might consider going to one that didn't), and second, i'm not ever going to be allowed to donate blood, because i had mono in college.

and it's kind of, crap, no cookies and orange juice for me Friday then, and i was going to feel all good about it, too. and it's kind of, home free! your lack of blood supply is not my fault. i'm on your stupid marrow list. i'm listed as an organ donor. obviously you want no more from me and my poor bloody was-jaundiced-once body. i tried. Bye, then.

and - obviously i could just not tell them i'd had mono? and that the tattoo was done entirely using sterile technique, which i recognized because i am familiar with it, ages and ages ago? or would that be Putting The Blood Supply In Jeopardy? because one assumes they don't want to be lied to. i'm annoyed. it doesn't make sense. i had mono, once, turned yellow, and then promptly got over it. i'm fine now. really.

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