still cheaper than therapy*

hypocrisy of the internet
why is it that, when i don't watch television, barely go to the movies, and don't really want to know who most celebrities are, let alone if they're good for anything or not, every time i hear (via that there was an awards show recently (since i never know in advance and don't bother to keep track of when they might be coming up), i go to all the websites that talk about how awful the dresses are and how terrible they all look?

wait for it ...

it is because in some not so tiny or secret or even subliminal part of my psyche, i resent that these people (who are mostly women, since guys get boring clothes, and who are almost universally deified as pretty, whether or not anyone i know finds them actually attractive) get paid so obscenely much (and get to dress up so often and are celebrated for every little twitch) for really what seems like very little. Very, very little. A happy accident of genetics that they had no part in (which is why they ought always to thank their biological forebears when they happen to win something). A lack of becoming horribly and obviously disfigured (which doesn't happen to many people, and is not therefore something to be paid obscenely for). An inability to keep their knees together (even, certain people, who have allowed it to be captured on video that they are not in control of their various orifices). oh you're beautiful? that's great, i really wish i cared - no - no, so sorry to disappoint, i don't really wish i cared.

and so i like it when everyone is talking about how crumby they look. Since that's the whole point, isn't it? this is why Celebrities who Can't Dress Themselves are published in style magazines and on television - because there is enough of a market here, in america, with the disposable income they want, and sometimes a sense of justice or even fashion, that hates them. That wants to see them dragged through mud repeatedly. That wants to see their expensive, tacky taste ridiculed.

i am hopelessly cynical about cinema. but i don't want to be. *sigh*

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