still cheaper than therapy*

it's going to be this mass whirlwind.
first, next week, i am meeting the New Extended Family. for years i had to diagram my own extended family to know who people were (and naturally, in the process, learned the exact difference between a first-cousin once removed and a great-aunt and a second step cousin by marriage (who i only know as The Stylish Woman In Dark Glasses)) and now i get this New Thing: only i hope they're not so complex. i can talk perfectly easily about my second cousins in whatever part of the world they're in at the time: one is visiting friends in Finland. one was an alternate for the olympics and got to visit greece at least. one, poor thing, is married and has a new baby and can't find a flat to live in to save his life, and has to stay with his parents. (This is what i fear.) one has a lovely, lovely dalmation and a new ph.D, and i wonder what the status of her flat is, now that i think about it. so. the holidays: thanksgiving with the dads-in-laws-fam (near seattle! S, whatcha up to around wednesday of next week? and i+m live there too, and b+j, whee!). xmas with the hungarians in VA. interim with the Clore et alia. ny in NY.

and while it's certainly nice to see people and to get to meet people i haven't yet and go to places i know and see new ones - oy, i want to stay in bed. so much of being on airplanes and in transit. so much of packing and unpacking and repacking. so much of cheap food in airports, in airplanes, in back seats, in dark hotels, and the packaged air gets into your pores. Everyone is tired in an airport.

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