still cheaper than therapy*

The fireplace.
Am considering - considering - that maybe i might as well get it done as it only needs, maybe, three more coats of paint. But. have you ever tried to paint between the lines in brick? it's a pain. just trust me on this one. but as the dogs have destroyed the paint in the computer-room, which i have now successfully spackled to prevent further damage (though dog no. 1 has been licking the spackle, for as yet unknown reasons, and she's dug holes in the wall in the past) - it looks awful. Big white splotches. And i have to finish the one project before i start another. Not to mention, that while i have a color (specific color, too, with a little slip of paper and a name and everything) for the living room, i have no color for the computer room, other than a vague idea of red.

And that would be a lot of red. so i'm not quite sure how it's going to go. it might perfectly well end up being a lot of red, it's certainly paint-over-a-ble. but moving that computer desk, when it finally happens, someday, is going to SUCK.

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