still cheaper than therapy*

wedding crashers and why i don't want to meet them
because i've heard it was funny. but they're not getting my dollar. because i'm pissed at them retroactively. because i got married too recently. because way to take advantage of the wedding industrial complex, cocksuckers, way to make some poor Bride feel terrible about herself because some asshole shows up and she's supposed to know who everyone is and who the fuck? and do you know people pay upwards of $200 a plate at a lot of these things? what are they supposed to be doing when there are extra guests? limited seating, a certain number of servings of cake, only so many sets of silverware. just ... assholes! somebody's fucking grandma was supposed to sit there! these things are planned so fucking delicately, every last detail, people fucking OBSESS over them for months planning everything exquisitely and specifically and carefully and you get to come the fuck in and screw with it? fuck that. i think i would spend the entire movie storming at them and raving in my head and getting more and more pissed off. i'm getting irate just thinking about them. weddings are enough bullshit without some self-important bastards showing up for their own goddamn scene.

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