still cheaper than therapy*

an attire clarification.
SL (who is, by the way, coming) called and wanted to know what to wear to the wedthing. he said, What if SL (and i believe he did refer to himself in the third person, but SL sure makes it work) wore shorts and a t-shirt - and i said, shorts might be a little informal. he said, what if SL wore jeans and a t-shirt and a sport coat (italics his, i'm sure) - and i said, that would probably work. (he made the jump from shorts, to pants and jacket, entirely on his own, though.) he said, what if SL wore a suit - and i said, that would probably work too; m is wearing one. and he said, so basically express myself, and i said, yeah. we've been invited (and are certainly going) to a party at which Cocktail Attire is Requested. i told this to a girl at work and she said, shockedly and a little nervous, ummm, yours isn't cocktail, is it? and i said, No. And this link is so. not. helpful. Neither is this one. What is a dressy fabric, please? and who .. what .. why have i never heard of this "evening purse" - what makes a purse evening? is black not enough? do there have to be sparkles? Was with a chica this weekend who liked the glitter. and that's fine. on her. Least helpful quote ever: "Dress as you would for any other social event held at the same hour in the same season." the hell?


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