still cheaper than therapy*
plus, i am learning to play 42.
which is a card game, only with dominoes, which switch sides, unless they're trump or doubles. So first, you follow suit. And second, you pay attention to who's winning because you're always trying to screw (euchre?) the other team. So you avoid playing the five-types on tricks that the other team is going to win, only you have to follow suit, and you don't have to trump. And the dominoes switch, so a six-one is if you lead it, a suit of six, number one, and if somebody else leads funny, it's a suit of one, number six, unless sixes are trump, in which case it's always a trump, number one, which is the second lowest trump, or unless ones are trump, in which case it's the second highest trump (because the double one is bigger than the six) and would be good to hold on to, only either way it's not as good as a six-four. And you have to keep track of the things the other people have played, so you can know how much you still have to screw the other team. And you have to know where the double-five and the six-four are. And you have to bid, which is the hardest. thing. ever. i am terrible at bidding. but i'm always terrible at bidding. i have no instinct for it. it's so not in my blood to do this. i mean, we don't do this, in my family, we play those National Geographic games, or Clue, or ... (seriously, i can't remember the last time in Clue that i didn't know what the cards were, whether or not it was actually my turn when that became clear. so i have lost, but just because it wasn't my turn. i have such an instinct for Clue. but it uses a lot of paper.) and going from National Geographic and a glass of wine to 42 and a couple of beers, it's like learning a new language. It's like learning to ski. It's an entirely different world of game. So i absolutely suck. Which makes it funny. Especially after the requisite couple of beers.Labels: texas
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