still cheaper than therapy*
things to do before the Parents arrive.
since a Family Visit isn't stress enough to begin with.From grocery store, collect graperfuits, other fruits, oranges, bananas, juices, gallon milk, nice bread.From pharmacy, get appropriate shampoos/toothpaste/items for hall bath.Vacuum and carpet-shampoo.Sweep and mop.- Dog-shampoo.
Check weather report for possibility of rain-soil-dog-clean floor interaction.Curse weather report.- Curse weather report.
Curse weather report.Get as much "grout" done on fireplace as humanly possible.- four o'clock on friday.- Clean, organize, sweep garage.
- Curse weather report.
- Mop again.
- Get Mom appointment with magical hair guy.
Warn Mom of magical hair guy's bad teeth, extensive tattoos, et c.Laundry - guest room.Laundry - our room.Put nice sheets on our bed so it looks like it goes with the blue walls, et c.Laundry - clothes.Curse weather report.Clean entire house.Read and dispose of playboy.(Hide playboy.)- Find place to plug in lamp.
- Acquire another power strip to plug in lamp to.
- Stain deck.
- Curse weather report.
- Stain fireplace.
- Curse weather report.
- Clean out gutters.
- Curse weather report.
- Find antique rose emporium.
Curse weather report.- Order wedding invitations.
- Organize house for Entire Family to stay in at wedding.
REMIND FRIENDS TO GET HOTEL ROOMS.- Avoid nervous breakdown.
- Curse weather report.
- Note any indoor activities for parents, such as movies (Being Julia, Sideways, Million Dollar Baby, Finding Neverland, Hotel Rwanda), GB prez library (ugh, but), construction of mantel for fireplace (dad), garage-pool-sharking (mom).
- Remove blog from bookmarks.
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