still cheaper than therapy*

cheddar cheese combos
are what my car smells like. Being in a car for 17 hours with two needy dogs and only conservative talk radio (and asshole, cheap, boring conservative talk radio - they don't put on the entertaining guys at 3 a.m.) is one thing. Being in a car with stinky cheddar cheese combos under the driver seat and floor mats is something entirely different. I could invent a new diet based entirely on being grossed out all the time.

On the plus side, nobody wants to borrow it. It crossed my mind for a minute that i could leave the windows open one night and the little woodland creatures might come in and clean up the combos for me - but then they might not come out again, and that would be worse. Not much worse. But worse. Also not as effective in the diet arena because the combos smell just enough like food to be an utter failure at being appetizing. Instead of 'aaaugh, what a horrible stench,' which would happen with a dead little woodland creature, it's 'aaaaugh, i smell food, i never want to eat again,' like thanksgiving, only without the prior diet-killing eating.

I suppose i should be glad M's ucky dill pickle potato chips (they sell the strangest things in Missouri) didn't get spilled too. But i might never buy Combos again. Somebody needs to invent a non-crumbly, yet non-disgusting, gas station snacky food item.

And i'm trying to remember what the hell that funky - i think i had banana bread somewhere in Oklahoma. (It might have been banana bread. It might have been poundcake.) I think it was pretty damn good, if moderately crumbly and finger-oily-making. And i'm afraid i'm never going to see it again. Like that room full of chamber pots ...


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