still cheaper than therapy*

Need ideas for a halloween costume party or two. though, i suppose, so does everyone else (except Kim). Um. it'd be nice if i got to wear that ren-faire cleavage-making thing. Whatever it's called. we could be Hef and Bunny. we could be Sam Adams and St Pauli Girl. we could be ... um ... but why do all their models look like Rose McGowan? Oh, right ... but ... how cool is the azkaban prison shirt! what better way to be a rebel and a punk, but simultaneously be a sellout to mass hysteria with all the proletariats!* also, any reason to wear ... anything ... fun ... is a good thing. we could be Punks. we could be ... Evil Sam Adams and Evil St Pauli Girl. which might be easier - just to find things in black instead of Green Skirt, Blue Corsetty Thing, Brown Vest ...

i have to decide Whether or Not to Order Things on Ebay. i have to decide How Cold I am Willing to Be. (ummm, probably fairly cold.) i always want to wear a wig, and it never works out.

Or we could say What the hell is this Halloween shit anyway and be Celtic and go around toasting dead people and dancing around fires. only they wore white. Nope.

It always gets so complicated.

*liz likes harry potter. Mostly liz likes Fred and George. omg, we could go as fred and george! only not really. with me being a girl and the whole incest being icky thing. we could go as ... we could go as ... ginny and neville? or is that too ... very? we can't possibly be hermione and viktor, m is terrible at accents. But it's funny and i love him for it. :)

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