still cheaper than therapy*

In the local paper - which one wouldn't think leaned to the left to look at it - three out of four letters this morning were pro-Kerry. which gives me this little twinge of hope. and, the editorial is furious at Ashcroft. i can't help it. i'm wondering. how many people here, in texas, are pissed. how many of their kids are dead on foriegn soil. how many don't have health insurance. how many are worried about Social Security. how many are still looking for work. if three letters out of four in the center of Conservativeland are pro-Kerry ... rabidly pro-Kerry ... and i'm wondering about are these just the outspoken people? is there something wrong with the polls? is there hope? i have this knot of fear somewhere in my belly. That, and, i met an Undecided Voter last night - someone i was sure was voting for W. he's not. he's Undecided. (out of all fifteen of us there, though, he was the only one.) Fear. Hope. Fear. Hope. Fear.

is this polarization what we get for having an interconnected society? if i can get by in the world, if i can make the choice (which i don't, exclusively) to only read leftie blogs and Molly Ivins and NPR and Doonesbury and the rightey people can continue their damning trajectory only reading rightie blogs and Ann Coulter and Fox News and their own little bashy political cartoons ... first, there are people who are disgusted by the whole thing and ignore everybody equally. but then there are people who are entirely surrounded by self-reinforcing media. and i effectively can't communicate with them. and i don't know which to be more frustrated - or more scared and nervous and weirded out - by.


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