still cheaper than therapy*

as in, do i have to have any? do i have to have even one? how peeved will it make people if i don't have any? if it's informal to the utter extreme anyway? if we're not going to have enough chairs to have ushers? (for a five minute ceremony, everybody except grandparents can stand, right?) okay, maybe we have enough chairs - or enough hierarchy on who gets them - to have ushers. But ... how is one supposed to choose a bridal party? especially over long distances? and long terms? and how - i haven't had a Best Friend since the seventh grade and that turned out simply awful (though it wasn't either of our fault and i unconditionally refuse to go into any detail). so how do i choose between people? how are you supposed to say to this person that that person is simply more important? because it's bullshit. because how can i tell if i pick person A, that person B won't feel slighted? or if person A really wants to be a bridesmaid, and how do you say But i don't really want a wedding shower, if ... i think they'd just make everything that much more complicated. and i don't want to have to choose a Best Friend, or to choose between my friends in the first place. urgh! only i think everybody wants us to have a Wedding Party. but ... for what? Maybe one. but ... argh!

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