still cheaper than therapy*

white trash at target at noon on a tuesday.
which really happened ages ago and i've been forgetting about it. so. needed things from target, two weeks ago or so. Tuesday. and i'm thinking of how busy i am (i had belly dancing that afternoon and having been someone who doesn't ever exercise, and i get so fucking sick of my mother asking me about it, but anyway, i have no exercise clothes at all, and obviously have to get some) so i go to target on my lunch hour. Which is really just then maybe one or two o'clock. and i go to target. and there are big families and they're all fat and some of the kids don't have any shirts on and all the moms' shorts are just too short, you know, and they're loud and the kids are running everywhere and this isn't just one family - this is many. there's an entire family in every checkout aisle, only the kids are kind of in-between, too, and it's hard to tell which family any given kid belongs to other than by which fat-ass mom is yelling at them but even that isn't definite. and i'm thinking, why - but - hey - aren't these walmart people? and since when can kids go shirtless (and barefoot, for that matter) into target?


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