still cheaper than therapy*
i changed the color on the wed-site. i like yellow. yellow and gray on a web page, maybe not so much. so these colors may not stick. Probably i should put white in it somewhere to make it weddingy. Weddingy is so a word. Um. Must pick a date. a+a are getting married in jamaica (oooo, how exotic) on june 5 (2005) and are having a welcome-home thing in texas on i think the 11th or so. around then. but. we were originally thinking that they were getting married later in june or july so that memorial day would be good for us, which is may 28th, i.e., one week before a+a. and we could push back to may 21st or so. which may be a good idea. not sure how many people are going to a+a, WE are, and they'd probably like to come to ours, and we haven't actually set anything yet. it may be next year. it may be well after that. we may decide that the 21st is fine since ours is easier to get to and lower-key. we may decide that we can put the whole thing off for a year. we may decide that fuck everybody, we're doing it in september after all. we may decide to pick a new location and have it in august. if we had ours on the 28th we could have our honeymoon in jamaica and end up with a+a's wedding. which would be kind of fun, but would be a lot of weddings for at least a couple of people to attend. Because there'll probably be overlap. But i'm not sure how many people are going to ... well ... are going to be able to afford jamaica. i'm not entirely sure we'd be able to if we wouldn't be (a)deciding this early to save big $$$ for it and (b)the possibility of making the parents pay for it as a honeymoon. We'd be able to afford it. But we'd be ...slim for a bit. i can't say i'm thinking out loud, really - it doesn't quite work - thinking on paper, either - this wouldn't be a problem if i couldn't type so fast. what do people think? is two phi psi weddings in two weeks too much? if one is in indiana (driving distance from all of wisconsin) and one is in somewhat sultrier climes? Must get m. to call a+a and see if they could make it if it was two weeks ahead of theirs. September might sound good. maybe i'll call my parents and tell them they don't get to have problems with september any more. Hah.Labels: wedding
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