still cheaper than therapy*

for me to remember. 'cuz i should exercise more. and there are actually people in college station teaching, now that i've finally googled them. and how cool is that?

that first time i even saw it or so, that was key, at the womens' weekend - thing at poho in high school. there was a skinny little trendy-pretty girl (who was very very nice, and pretty, but pretty in that thin, glamorous, hair-commercial way) and this big, solid Woman (who just rocked in every way possible and could belly-roll, because she had a belly to roll with), and they danced for us, and gave us maybe an hour and a bit of lesson. and there was that single time in college where there was a lesson and i made W go with me and he was the only boy there (but really he didn't do badly at all). and i should exercise more. and i think i'd like it. i know i'd like it, from my two little mini-lessons. all powerful and sexy and thoroughly feminist, but in a celebratory, happy way instead of an angry, fuck-you-'cuz-you-represent-the-patriarchy, twisted, ucky way.

i think i've had a messed-up relationship with f/Feminism for a while now. i took one class in womens' studies - just intro to - that first semester of college with the (angry, f-y-c-y-r-t-p, twisted, ucky) professor (who hated all men, especially the poor guy who was taking the class, and told us more often than really she ought to have done that all hetero sex was rape, all of it, and never mentioned the sort of stiletto-y, modern, Apprentice-brand, Gloria-Steinem-is-a-bombshell-on-top-of-it-all feminism that really i think i like better, and that i had to invent for myself entirely from scratch after the class was over) and i think it ruined me for a while. A long-ish while. and i'm doing my best. but i think i'd have had more to do with the womyns' center on campus if i hadn't had that particular class with that particular bitch.

anyway. i think learning to belly dance properly would be good for me.

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