still cheaper than therapy*
*sigh* i don't want to see Fahrenheit 911. i don't particularly like michael moore, and i think that's plenty of reason to not see his movie already. i'm sure it raises pertinent issues. i'm sure it makes points that i could argue about afterwards. i'm sure it heightens the national consciousness of ... stuff.
i sort of doubt i'm ever going to see anything mel gibson makes, ever again. signs was pure crap, after all. and it's not like they can make a Braveheart 2.
but. i don't think michael moore is going to change any minds; all he's going to do is polarize people further, which really nobody fucking needs. politics shouldn't be about who can make themselves a bigger asshole. the people who watch the film will already have their minds made up - there will be people who want to retire W, who will believe the entire thing, and people who love W, who will think it's all crap, but will see it anyway for the same reason i read the student newspaper at a&m*, and who will then think the entire left is represented by one louse-y gun-toting crackpot. the people who don't watch the film will be either (like me) disgusted with the entire affair or (less like me) uninterested in the first place. but i already know the lines he's drawing. i already know the associations. i don't need to go just to get pissed off again. and if he's going to go to the trouble of making a movie it ought to leave people with ...something. With an idea of where to go from here, of how we could fix all this, or how we could have prevented "it," other than by having not elected W. there's no attempt on moore's part to be even remotely fair (or balanced) - and i won't watch that moronic news channel - and i won't watch that movie.
*friends close, enemies closer
Labels: politics
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