still cheaper than therapy*

a tree limb fell on our house last night. not a very big one but at six in the morning we both wake up to this CRASH essentially right above our heads, only really not, and probably over the bathroom. and What the fuck was that? because there had been a massive, massive thunderstorm at two in the morning or so, and we thought it was over, only there was this big noise. and it was light outside and not raining. so we get up and put on robes and go out and look and it's not on the long side of the roof, so we didn't see it right away, and matt goes up in the attic and i take a shower and matt doesn't see anything in the attic so i get dressed and walk around to the garage side of the house - for the first short side of the roof - and that's fine - but then on the bedroom side of the house, the other short bit of roof, there's this tree limb. and we go back in the attic and it doesn't look like there's anything - we can't see light coming through the roof or anything. but it was a Very Large Crash. especially for early in the morning. and we already have a quote from some roofers (the hailstorm last xmas, only we got a new air conditioner with the money from the insurance, but we got quoted b/c we wanted a new roof before, we just wanted the A/C more (and more immediately before summer kicked in), so now i want the roofers there to Fix It Now.

i don't think it'll take them long. day or two. we'll see. but they have financing. which is pure genius of them.

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