still cheaper than therapy*

sometimes it sucks being right. like here is an article that says that still women are paid less than men. 26% less. so i'm right that women are paid less than men - which has come up at work, though not as a specifically appliccable issue to ME, but as a sort of national phenomenon. and there's this Uninformed Person who disbelieves it. i'm not going to quote it at him because he wouldn't believe the article anyway and i generally try to avoid him, and in particular discussing things with him on which it is possible to either be uninformed or have an opinion.

once he tried to argue that it was just as hot in new york, year round, as it was in texas. yeah. Uninformed Person.

so it's good to be right, obviously. but it's such an awful thing to be right about. it'd be great to find a really, really, even more Uninformed Person, and have a series of arguments with them, and at the end have them be right about things - have god or somebody come down and say, liz, you know, *alackazam* they're right about some stuff: And it would be less than happy to be wrong about, oh, everything, but i'd make that sacrifice. you know?

and, they keep showing the knights tale movie on tv, over and over and over, and i keep hoping it'll not be really as bad as i remember it being, and give it a shot, and within seconds, it keeps being even worse. Ugh.


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