still cheaper than therapy*
i woke up too late for breakfast this morning.
i didn't really get up too late - i was in the shower by a perfectly good time and loved one had woken up earlier (because the Small Dog pounced on him) and let the dogs out and so i took my shower, and then i was done and i crawled back in bed (it's warm there) only i let the guys back in first and they jumped on the bed and the Small Dog had a particularly cold nose, i noticed. and so i'm thinking to myself he's going on this trip and i'll see him tomorrow but that's because i'm driving out to cheer on our friend who's doing this hundred mile uber-marathon (the loved one is the team captain and has to stay out there and make sure the friend doesn't hurt himself too badly) but i have to fall asleep all by myself tonight. and i have dogs but they're not the same - they're smaller, and fuzzy, and aren't allowed under the covers (because they don't like being under the covers - it's kind of a fun game - how long does it take? - the Slightly Less Small Dog generally is quicker than the Small Dog, because the Small Dog walks on the blanket and gets all tangled, while the Slightly Less Small Dog noses her way around first) - and then i have to wake up by myself, which absolutely sucks, for two days in a row. keep in mind that it's going to be the first time i have to wake up by myself since getting a Sparkly.
sigh. so i stayed in bed longer than i should have and had to buy a pop-tart at work. they only had the ooky strawberry ones - no brown sugar cinnamon. bastards.
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